
Robbie Williams proves benefit of charter bus service in Geelong

If ever anybody is wondering about the benefits of using a charter bus service in Geelong, they need only look back to the concert by international rockstar Robbie Williams at a winery near the city’s western fringe in March 2018.Williams wowed a crowd of 20,000 people at his Mount Duneed Estate A  Day on the Green concert, and while just about every person who attended reported a sensational afternoon and evening of entertainment, anybody who chose to travel by car and had to park in the general admission carparks didn’t enjoy the long wait and traffic jams heading into and out of the concert venue. Traffic really was lined up for kilometres before and after the show.

Punters who didn’t pack up and leave before the concert finished or didn’t break land speed records sprinting to the general admission carparks to be first out the gate were stuck and going nowhere until the carpark bottlenecks cleared. We know for a fact that what is usually a 15-minute trip from the winery to Geelong’s fringe took some carloads more than an hour to complete as they waited for the general admission carparks to clear.

Geelong event charter bus service for Robbie Williams' concert
A Robbie Williams near Geelong concert proved the benefit of the My Bus Geelong event charter bus service.

But those concert-goers with the foresight to book an event bus charter from Geelong and who travelled to and from the concert in a mini bus had their own allocated carpark close to the Princes Highway and which was nowhere near as crowded as the general admission parking areas. The wait of event bus passengers was nothing like the delays of those people who chose to make the trip in car. Apart from motorcyclists, nobody got out of the concert venue quicker than the fleet of buses in their specially allocated parks.

Chartering a mini bus  is the ideal way to travel to and from events in Geelong and surrounds. Passengers heading to an event can enjoy the anticipation of what’s ahead with their fellow travellers, and then relive what they’ve just enjoyed while making a speedy trip home, reclining in the comfort, convenience and safety of a MyBus Geelong mini bus service.

If you’d like to book a bus or know more about MyBus Geelong’s various transport services, please contact us online or call 1300 1 MYBUS (1300 1 69 287) and we’ll be happy to help out.

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